The Commons Theatre exists to provide opportunities in the performing arts for youth and adults in Madison County and surrounding communities. Your tax-deductible gifts support our efforts to create always-family-friendly theatre by enabling us to upgrade our stage and technical equipment, purchase and maintain props and costumes, and create the on-stage magic you love to see.
We offer several ways for you to donate!
Click here if you would like more information about our Season Partnerships or Advertising in our programs.
We offer several ways for you to donate!
- Click below to give through Square.
- Make checks payable to The Commons Theatre and send to 204 W. Church Street, Alexandria, IN 46001
- Call 765-639-3282 to give over the phone.
- Place cash donations in the box at the concession stand during performances.
Click here if you would like more information about our Season Partnerships or Advertising in our programs.